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8 Ocak 2013 Salı

Competition Ders Notu


Turkish  comp. Law is similar to European Comp. Law (except some points).

TFEU art 101,
27 members à  Customs Union                         
                              It is quite about comp. Law                  →    why similar?
                              1999 (Ankara Agreement)
State & state inst. → addressee (free movement of goods)                   → difference
Measure taken by individuals → competition law
Art. 101:
Art. Prohibits undertakings to infringe comp. within the ter. of c.u. by agreement or by practising. It only concerns about undertakings. Possible effect bile olsa comp. (it falls under the scope of art. 101)
Undertaking → broad sense : defined by European court of justice. Because there is no definition in art. 101
Türk hukukunda tanım vardır. Ankara ant. olduğu için customs union bizim hukukumuzun bir parçasıdır.
Today we are going to only discuss how ECJ defined the term ‘’undertaking’’

Any entity engaged in an economic activity regardless  of its stateless and the way in which it is financed.
1)      We should not only understand companies
We are not looking for legal personality
Foundations, lawyers, doctors… are considered as undertakings
2)      State banks: they perform economic activity/service
Yani önemli olan bir ekonomik faaliyette bulunması. Nasıl para elde ettiği değil.
FIFA. Italian football ass. reklamla ilgili anlaşma yaptılar ve eco. activity. It is enough.
State school → economic activity  YOK
rent a place to service special activities, economic activity, entity, art 101 VAR 
- Public Authority : Whether the public entity provides a good or service by using their statues and power of just for fulfilling the legal provisions of that entity (security services)
- Bazı durumlarda önemlidir, kaçılabilir 101’den 
Public Entity → performs an activity
Genova Part Case
It is a test to protect he environment.
It comes from the public authority
The limited comp. Will not fall under the prohibition of art. 101
Ücret unilateral kararlaştırılıyor
- Getting profit is irrelevant/immaterial. How established ,………………….(burayı anlayamadım)
Daughter/ Sister comp. ?         One entity                      or               two different entities  ? 
                                               (eco. independency)                                  (Legal independency)
↓                                                                   ↓
Art. 101  X(uygulanmaz)                           Art. 101 √ (uygulanır)
Önemli olan ekonomik bağımsızlıktır (Eoropean Court of J.).
Ekonomik bağımsızlık yoksa etk şirket olacaktır, 101 uygulanmaz.
Undertaking  (not only companies but also private personalities like football ass.) → any personality that carries out an eco. activity
Entity undertaking değilse 101 uygulanmaz. Rekabet kanunu md 4-5de yazıyor.
Material Scope of 101
Prohibits 3 things → 1) agreements by undertakings
 2) decisions of ass of undertakings
 3)  concerted practicing
a…….e → agreement samples. It is not numerous clauses
a) Fiyatı sabitleyen sözleşme (pushes smaller companies out of the market)
- Sadece iki taraflı imzalan sözleşmeler değil, her türlü sözleşme buraya giriyor. Bağlayıcı, olmasa bile pazarı olumsuz etkiliyorsa 101’e girer.  Bağlayıcı, sözlü, yazılı fark etmez. Önemli olan bir amaca ulaşmasıdır.

ECJ: Joint Intention →  Aynı yönde irade olmalı ( marketi 2’ye bölecek). İmzasız olsa bile 101’e girer.
ECJ: Comp. ile ilgili bir meetinge katılmak bile yeterli. Burada sözleşme vardır. Hatta bilmeden katıldım sonra terk ettim desende 101’e girer. It will be enough to say there is an angreement.

101→ Agreement (her sözleşme değil, comp. a yönelik sözleşmeler)
            Undertakings must be eco. independent.
            It can be only breached by undertakings.

21 Şubat 2012

Article 101
1. The following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the internal market all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the internal market, and in particular those which:
(a) directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions;
(b) limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment;
(c) share markets or sources of supply;
(d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage;
(e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contracts.
2. Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this article shall be automatically void.
3. The provisions of paragraph 1 may, however, be declared inapplicable in the case of:
—any agreement or category of agreements between undertakings,
—any decision or category of decisions by associations of undertakings,
—any concerted practice or category of concerted practices,
which contributes to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress, while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit, and which does not:
(a) impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of these objectives;
(b) afford such undertakings the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question.

Aşağıda bir syllibus bırakmış hoca oradan çalışabiliriz. Orada kitaplar filan var.

Bring the treaties.
What we discussed last week? à101 TFEU à This article design to prohibit any undertaking to…

What was the personal scope of this article? à 101 only concerns about undertaking. According to union law art. 30 and 35 only state and state institutions.  It is similar with that. It deals with the anticompetition behavior of undertaking.

How we define undertaking? à Since article was not defined any definition. Any entity engaged economic activity in the given market will be considered  undertaking. What is economic activity? à We have to see whether this is  it can be legal personality or it can be single person doing economic activity.

State undertakings fall in this undertaking definition as well as private ones. It is not relevant for the definition of undertaking.

What is the most important thing then? à If a foundation (vakıf) perfom economic activity without getting any profit it falls under the definition of undertaking.

What about public body? à we have to see one thing, is it performing economic activites under public law? Because the public bodies formed under public law wouldn’t fall in the definition of undertaking. Like police forces, emergency services is not fall in the undertakings.

The most important element is whether they perform economic activity. Private or profession would fall under the definition economic activity regardless finance or statement. Like fifa and Italian Football association fall under the definition of undertaking.

1) Personal Scope of article 101.
2) this aspect is the material scope of 101. 

Material Scope
-Concerted practices

What can be agreement? à Why ECJ didn’t use contract because contract must include offer and acceptance and it must be binding. But agreement includes contract but the other things as well like memorandums, documents. à It is not important that is it signed or not

According to ECJ for an agreement to exist, it is sufficient if undertakings in question should have express their joint intention to conduct themselves on the market in a specific way. à It is simply saying it is not important that it is signed or not, oral or written.

Simple understanding, constitution of trade association, non-binding marketing rules, gentleman agreements… are the examples of agreement under article 101.

The case “Quinine Case” à Quinine is type of medicine for fever. They signed a gentlemen agreement. They come together and they agreed on to fixed the prices of 15 Euros. Then case refer to ECJ. Yes we it is correct that we signed the agreement but it doesn’t have sanction. So parties are free to behave how they want. But ECJ said it is not necessary is to have sanction but it is enough that the parties express their will to behave in same way.

The other interesting thing was the gentleman egreement was expiring in 1962 however the case was referred in 1965 but ECJ said even the agreement expired it is irrelevant if the parties act in the same way. They keep the prices fixed so they behave in same way. So the agreement fell in the definition of agreement of 101.

Let’s take that an undertaking send an chrismas card and it says we should come together and fixed our prices. And the other party says okay let’s think about it. So there is joint intention so that chrismas card fall under the definition of article under article 101.

Are the parties binding if the parties did not join the meetings actively but passively attending the meetings? à Yes, ECJ said even they did not express their will expressly they  are bound by the breach of 101. ECJ also said if they don’t manifest the decision of that meeting, they are bound by the breach because they are potential effect for that.

For example there is an interesting case called “Roofing Felt” à There was a meeting.  And some parties say we attended meeting and knew the topic but we fear to be forced in market by the other if they don’t attend the meeting. ECJ said your intention is not relevant for us, even you didn’t obey the decision of that meeting you didn’t say anything to not take any part of this decision (agreement).

Agreement should be at least between two different undertakings. The undertakings should be independent from each other. The legal independence is not important, they should be independent financial as well (real independence).

If Company X is the mother company of A and B, then A and B sign a contract with C and D, is X responsible for the negative affect of competition market? à Yes.  Because otherwise X would order to A and B to sign the contract and could escape from the prohibition.

Next week horizontal and vertical agreements.

The agreements can be horizontal (producer-producer, retailer-retailer, distributer-distributer) and vertical agreements like producer-retailer. So not only same level of market but the undertakings could be in different level in the market. After that we will focus on concerted practices.

Concerted practices (uyumlu eylem)

06 Mart 2012

What was the purpose of art. 101? à The first one was personal scope (undertaking) à Art. 101 prohibits agreement and concerned practices which should be concerned undertakings according to ECJ. The second scope is the material scope. à So far we only discussed the agreements. When we talk about agreement, we shouldn’t understand the contract in law, but any agreement which is oral or writing or anything that they agree.

We will discuss the decisions of undertakings and concerted practices.

It prohibits two source of agreements. Article 101 absolueatly prohibit the agreements between equal parties like retailer and retailer. Also article 101 also prohibit the vertical agreements like between retailer and the producer.

In Constent-Grunding à ECJ said also vertical agreements is fall under the art. 101 scope of agreement. Grunding signed sole distribution ships in the France with Consten but grunding signed different same agreements with other undertakings in other countries. But one other entity from Italy, but Grunding’s agreement says you cannot sell out our products outside of your country.

Why it is against competition law? à How do we explain internal market? à We don’t say different markets like france market, Holland market. We talk about one single market. So Grundig agreements limits the choice of consumers, so anything trying to divide the market is restricted. If you reduce the costum union advantage to compete between each other with the other undertakings. It harms the consumers to get low prices with competition of the other countries undertakings. So court said not only horizontal agreement is fall under 101 but also vertical agreements.

Why the competition rules and freemovements ruls are so connected ? à Çünkü free movement is about the restrictions of Member States, competition rules is regulating the private parties. So the two rules are highly connected with each other.

We will see the concerted practices.

2. Saat

What do you understand from the decisions of associations of undertakings? à We are not talking about trade associations (like chamber of Istanbul) but also other associations like football and agriculture associations whose decisions affect the market.

Then we have to see decisions à What does decisions mean to us? à ECJ interpreted the decisions widely like it did in association. Even the decisions is not binding on its members, it is still the decisions can affect the market so these decisions is illegal under 101.

There is an interesting case Verband v. Commmission à Verband is an association which is active in german market. If you are an insurance company you have to register to Verband. The associations gives recommendations to their members to increase their premiums (prim) for insurance companies. In verband there is several commites. And verband says this committee doesn’t have binding affect on members then it is not against article 101. But ECJ said these kind of associations’ decisions against 101 even they are not binding.  So ECJ interpreted the term of decisions of associations very broadly. Overhere the court looked the potential affect of the decisions. If some members fallow this recommendation, it is enough to be against competition law.

Concerted Practices
It is difficult to explain concerted practices. ECJ should be careful.

Oligopolistic market à there are a few competitiors and a few buyer. So they have to take the other competitors opinion before they act.

The case Imperial Chemical Industries LTD. V Commission of the European Communites. Case 48-49 (DYESTUFFS) He showed the paragraphs 64-68 and 118. à We have a company called ICI. There are several producers. Whenever ICI increase the prices other companies do the same. There is no agreement between dyestuff market (painting stuffs). But after a little search when ICI increase the prices the other do the same. So it is kind of signal to act in parallel way.

ECJ firstly give the definition of concerted practices in paragraph 64. That means “ a form of coordination between undertakings which, without having reached the stage where an agreement properly so-called has been concluded, knowingly substitutes practical cooperation between them for the risks of competition.à So there is no agreement. Their behaviour is cannot be counted as agreement. But their behavior can be called invisible agreement that affect the nature of competition. In paragraph 65 court says àit doesn’t have to be contract but a kind of coordination we can understand from their behaviour. In 66 à The ECJ looked that is the increasing prices, because of logical explanation like inflation (but it was stable while the increasing)? But it wasn’t so ECJ asked why the other competitiors fallow the ICI? Because if ICI increases the price why the other do the same? There is no other reason. So they are no competitors but they are cooperating. àECJ said not every parallel conduct fall under concerted practice, however there is no logical explanation (logical argument) why the other fallow the ICI (since there is no changing infliation or other materials) , so their behavior shows us they cooperate. ECJ said even it quite normal in oligopolistic market to fallow each other, also not every parallel action is against competition under 101; however there is no logical explanation then they cooperate with each other instead of compete. [Even there is not an agreement, even not all practices fall automatically under the concerted practice, if the behaviors shows their behaviors that one of them is leading to do same thing with kind of signal like increasing price.]

There is another case, ECJ explains the elements of concerted practice. àEven staying in same hotel is an strong evidence that they have a contact[Some form of contact] For example they went the same conference and after one week they increase the prices. They have to know what they are doing. Second element is to do in cooperation instead of com. Third element is they have to do so to secure, protect the positions of themselves and the others. [Hercules case]

Why a new company is not logical explanation like in the case of Turk Telekom because probably Turk Telekom enters in a low price to compete? The question was preventing the new enterance not the only decrease.

Does all the whole market behave in parallel way? Not the whole is necessary but it is enough some of them do it.

Next week we are going to discuss the core issue so I want you to read some cases (1) “European Night Services [1998], (2) Consten-Grundig [1994]

13 Mart 2012

2. saat kariyer günlerinden dolayı olmayacak.

The scope of concerted practices is broader then the agreements.

In DYESTUFFS case; paragraph 66 says, the parallel behaviors doesn’t automatically fall under the scope of article 101, but it gives clear evidence for it. If the parties cannot give logical explanation (for example market rationale) why all those companies did the parallel behaviors. In the case the parties couldn’t do that. So that kind of actions could be taken account for breach of article 101. [The definition; not every parallel behavior falls under article 101 arguments are the most important parts of case]

In Hercules Chemicals NV v. Commission Case à ECJ laid down same essential element to prove concerted practice;
  • Some form of contact between undertakings (it can be loose or strict e.g., meeting for a dinner)
  • Some meeting of minds or consensus between parties to co-operate rather than compete
  • The purpose should be removing future uncertainties in the market from the risk of competition
[(1) Contact, (2)consensus to co-operate rather then compete, (3)in order to secure their position in future in the market] à Elements of concerted practice

The contact can be direct or indirect contact. In dyestuffs case, the leading company publish the price list and the rest of the market fallows it. It is a contact and meeting minds.

So far we discuss agreement, concerted practices, and decisions of associations.

What about the court issue? à Article 101 explains core issue. à The article is divided to part. Object and effect.

ECJ has to see whether the parties getting into an agreement to breach EU law ( the intention, object these agreement or not.) or effect to do so. à In these parts of article, firstly

We have a case T-Mobile Netherlands BV and others à 4 companies met in a hotel. Company X, Y, Z, H came together in a hotel. They agreed to reduce the amount of payment to dealers. à These kinds of agreements were not in line of EU law. There is a concerted practice. Then it also gave a chance to ECJ to define what is object and what an effect is. à In paragraph 27, and 28, 29, 30, 31 explain object and effect. ECJ says that these are not cumulative but alternative to each other. à
27      With regard to the assessment as to whether a concerted practice is anti‑competitive, close regard must be paid in particular to the objectives which it is intended to attain and to its economic and legal context (see, to that effect, Joined Cases 96/82 to 102/82, 104/82, 105/82, 108/82 and 110/82 IAZ International Belgium and Others v Commission [1983] ECR 3369, paragraph 25, and Case C‑209/07 Beef Industry Development Society and Barry Brothers [2008] ECR I‑0000, paragraphs 16 and 21). Moreover, while the intention of the parties is not an essential factor in determining whether a concerted practice is restrictive, there is nothing to prevent the Commission of the European Communities or the competent Community judicature from taking it into account (see, to that effect, IAZ International Belgium and Others v Commission, paragraphs 23 to 25).
28      As regards the distinction to be drawn between concerted practices having an anti-competitive object and those with anti-competitive effects, it must be borne in mind that an anti-competitive object and anti-competitive effects constitute not cumulative but alternative conditions in determining whether a practice falls within the prohibition in Article 81(1) EC. It has, since the judgment in Case 56/65 LTM [1966] ECR 235, 249, been settled case-law that the alternative nature of that requirement, indicated by the conjunction ‘or’, means that it is necessary, first, to consider the precise purpose of the concerted practice, in the economic context in which it is to be pursued. Where, however, an analysis of the terms of the concerted practice does not reveal the effect on competition to be sufficiently deleterious, its consequences should then be considered and, for it to be caught by the prohibition, it is necessary to find that those factors are present which establish that competition has in fact been prevented or restricted or distorted to an appreciable extent (see, to that effect, Beef Industry Development Society and Barry Brothers, paragraph 15).
29      Moreover, in deciding whether a concerted practice is prohibited by Article 81(1) EC, there is no need to take account of its actual effects once it is apparent that its object is to prevent, restrict or distort competition within the common market (see, to that effect, Joined Cases 56/64 and 58/64Consten and Grundig v Commission [1966] ECR 299, 342; Case C‑105/04 P Nederlandse Federatieve Vereniging voor de Groothandel op Elektrotechnisch Gebied v Commission [2006] ECR I‑8725, paragraph 125; and Beef Industry Development Society and Barry Brothers, paragraph 16). The distinction between ‘infringements by object’ and ‘infringements by effect’ arises from the fact that certain forms of collusion between undertakings can be regarded, by their very nature, as being injurious to the proper functioning of normal competition (Beef Industry Development Society and Barry Brothers, paragraph 17).
30      Accordingly, contrary to what the referring court claims, there is no need to consider the effects of a concerted practice where its anti‑competitive object is established.
31      With regard to the assessment as to whether a concerted practice, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, pursues an anti‑competitive object, it should be noted, first, as pointed out by the Advocate General at point 46 of her Opinion, that in order for a concerted practice to be regarded as having an anti‑competitive object, it is sufficient that it has the potential to have a negative impact on competition. In other words, the concerted practice must simply be capable in an individual case, having regard to the specific legal and economic context, of resulting in the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. Whether and to what extent, in fact, such anti-competitive effects result can only be of relevance for determining the amount of any fine and assessing any claim for damages.

 If we do not understand that if there is no actual effect (object) then we have to see that the potential effect (effect) of the agreement or concerted practices.

(1) Parties wanted to breach EU law (object) (2) if they don’t then ECJ should check out the potential effect to breach. This breach can be actual or potential. But for this the ECJ has a test in the STM case.

In a new case; Societe Technique Miniere v. Maschinenbau Ulm GMBH à Maschinenbau Ulm (MU) granted Societe Tecnique Miniere (STM) the exclusive right to sell its earth-moving equipment in France, on condition that STM did not sell competing machinery. The Commission argued that the agreement in question breached Article 101. à ECJ: … in order to ascertain whether an agreement is capable of preventing, restricting or distorting competition a number of factors must be examined:
  1. The nature and quantity of the products concerned à over here ECJ wanted to say, whether effect will breach competition we must look the market share of undertaking. If it is quite high then most likely the effect is also high.
  2. The position and size of the parties concerned à in first argument we look the market share and in this it repeats the first argument. If it is so big company then it is most likely to effect.
  3. The severity of the clauses àmore severe clauses of agreement that prevent commercial freedom of other party, most probably it breaches the competition law.
  4. The possibility of other commercial current acting on the same products by means of reimports and re-exports. à Preventing the parallel import or export is in general fall under the breach of competition.
These elements are not cumulative but in general A and B should be in it.

There is one producer and one distributor. Producer is MU and distributor is STM. But unlike grundin case, there was not prevention for parallel importation and exportation.

If there is an actual effect (object) and it is quite clear then it automatically falls under article 101. But if it is not we do not fallow the elements of the case in STM case for the effect.
[Yani izlediğimiz yol şu: Öncelikle agreement var mı yok mu, concerted practice var mı yok mu diye bakıyoruz. Ondan sonra eğer var diyorsak ondan sonra core issue’a geliyoruz. BUrada da ikiye bölünmüş durumda article 101. İlk olarak EU law’u breach etme intentionları var mı diye bakıyoruz. Ondan sonra eğer intentionları yoksa o zaman effect var mı yok mu diye bakıyoruz. Yani bir parallel behavior doesn’t have to have direct intention to breach competition, it can have potentially effect. If it is effecting (without direct intention) then we check out the STM examination.]

20 Mart 2012

We are going to talk about “de miniminis” principle. à European competition law and Turkish competition law has this principle.

We discussed last week; once we determine there is an agreement or concerted practices in the sense of article 101, then we should see these agreements or concerted practices are allowed.

If it is quite clear that the parties want to intent (object) to infringing the competition. Then it is a clear shot. Then ECJ say we don’t need to test the effect. However if the object of the agreement is not clear then  court check out something else (clear economic analysis). These two things are not cumulative, they are alternative to each other.

How do we get if the object is not quite clear. Then in order to understand that the effect is anti-competitive or not. Then we have to exemine a number of factors: Geçen hafta A, B, C, D leri anlattı hoca tekrar.

What we see up to now à Agreement, undertaking, concerted practices, decisions of associations. (The scope) And then we need to examine is that their intention (object or effect) infringe the competition rules.

De Miniminis Principle

This is an old doctrine ECJ decided on it. The first case about this was Völk – Vervaeche Case. à Völk is producer company. Vervaeche is a distributer. They have an exclusive distributor agreement. In dutch market völk gives the promise the sole distributorship to vervaeche. So this case is very similar to constin and grundin. à Even the agreement between parties automatically fall in the scope of article 101, but their effect is too small because their market share is really low. Then the effect is not really noticeable effect to competition market.

“The notice 2001/C 368/07 Paragraph 1 we read this:

1. Article 81(1) prohibits agreements between undertakings which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. The Court of Justice of the European Communities has clarified that this provision is not applicable where the impact of the agreement on intra- Community trade or on competition is not appreciable. à If the effect is not appreciable , therefore these kind of agreements might escape from the prevention under the article 101.

Then we read the paragraph 7 à ECJ gives some thresholds. In (a) is their aggregate (combinied) market share exceed %10 percent on the relevant markets. If it is so then article 101 is not applicable. (Horizontal agreement-agreements between competitors) à In (b), if the agreement took place vertical level, therefore the trashhold increase to %15. Whether their combined share of parties exceed %15 percent.(vertical agreement between non-competitors) [This is principle so there is an exception in paragraph 11 (3 exceptions) à So de minimis principle is exception to the article 101 but there is an exception to principle in 3 hardcore restrictions.] This was the first application of de minimis rule.

Commission Notice on agreement of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition under article [101](1) of the Treaty establishing the European Community (de minimis)

1. Article [101] (1) prohibits agreements between undertakings which may affect trade between Mamber States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortions of competition within the common market. The Court of Justice of the European [Union] has clarified that this provision is not applicable where the impact of the agreement on intra-[Union] trade or on competition is not appreciable.

7. The Commission holds the view that agreements between undertakings which affect trade between Member States do not appreciably restrict competition within the meaning of article 101(1):

(a) if the aggregate market share held by the parties to the agreement does not exceed 10 % on any of the relevant markets affected by the agreement, where the agreement is made between undertakings which are actual or potential competitors on any of these markets (agreements between competitors) ; or

(b) if the market share held by each of the parties to the agreement does not exceed 15 % on any of the relevant markets affected by the agreement, where the agreement is made between undertakings which are not actual or potential competitors on any of these markets (agreements between non-competitors).

11. Points 7, 8 and 9 do not apply to agreements containing any of the following hardcore restrictions:
(1) as regards agreements between competitors as defined in point 7, restrictions which, directly or indirectly, in isolation or in combination with other factors under the control of the parties, have as their object (3):
(a) the fixing of prices when selling the products to third parties;
(b) the limitation of output or sales;
(c) the allocation of markets or customers;

ECJ’in Völk’den sonra yaptığı uygulamalarda hep farklı oranlar olduğundan commission’un verdiği bir yeknesaklaştırma notice’dir.

Vize Sonrası

10 Nisan 2012

We are answering exam question. It is important because you will be responsible for these topics for the final exam.

1) The legal form, how it is established is irrelevant. According to ECJ any entity which has economic activity is “undertaking” according to article 101.

2) In order to apply article 101 there should be at least two legally independent undertakings. However there is one more issue. In our case, there are two legal separated undertakings but we have to look financial independence as well. But one undertaking is giving its profit to another; therefore there is no financially independence. Therefore we will not apply article 101.

3) So far we discussed personal scope of article 101. Now we will discuss material scope. Here we have a recommendation. Therefore this recommendation falls under article 101. Associations’ recommendations are fall under the article 101.  Because ECJ interpreted it broadly.

4) The other parties didn’t say anything. So there is no meeting of mind. So there is no agreement. There is a concerted practice. In the second part of question, there is the doctrine but there was a limit for the market share. It was 10%. We have only 5%. However, there were 3 exceptions. Fixing the price was one of the exceptions. So therefore the case might fall under the article 101.

We will give a 10 minutes break. After that we will start today’s topic which is exemptions of article 101.

2. Saat


Art. 101 (3) TFEU: Exemptions

Art. 101(1) TFEU: scope of article and prohibition

Not within scope: De minimis doctrine

Article 101(3) TFEU: within scope of article but exempted

-individual exemption: 4 cumulative conditions
            Efficiency gain
            Consumers receive a fair share of the efficiency gain
            No elimination of competition on relevant market
-block exemptions: vertical restrains: if supply/demand side has less than 30% market share
                        Horizontal agreements: R&D and specialization

No exemption applies: Art. 101(2) TFEU: agreement void ex tunc/fine issued by court or competition authority (national or EU level)

Efficiency gain: improvement of production, distribution. Or a great benefit for the economy, service in the market.

It is not enough to prove efficiency gain; they must show that consumers get a share from the market. For example we have a case “CECED.” That was an agreement for the wash machines. Two producers agreed on for the not produce class d and e. meaning that the won’t produce machines that use too much electricity. There is a horizontal agreement between undertakings. And this fall under 101. And they decided to not produce certain products. So they tried to show that 4 criteria. But D and E class machines are cheaper then the A, B, C class machines. So consumers does not gain fair share. But ECJ said in long term less using electricity

There is another case “Clima Chappe/Buderus” à Concept is the same. It is a horizontal agreement. They both produce ventilator system and air conditioner systems. But chappe and buderus agreed on not to produce both of them and said chappe produce only air conditions and buderus produce only ventilators. à Their aim is to become expert on the producing products. And they will improve the technology for the products. So there is an efficiency gain. But is there any fair share for consumers? à Yes because they become expert. And they produce good quality products. Maybe little bit high price but they get other benefits. (hocanın örneği şu; şimdi 1000 liraya 5 yıl giden bir makina var, ama 1500 liraya 10 yıl giden makina üretebilmeye başladıklarında long term’de concumers also gets fairy share)

Another case is ACEC à ACEC produce electricity transmission for the buses. Sonra bir bus firması geliyor ve ACEC’e diyor ki bize bir tane transmission üret ve bunu sadece senden alalım sen de kimseye satma. Yani bu güzel teknolojiyi kullanalım diyor. Yani sonuç olarak şöyle bir şey var: ACEC bunu üreterek markete gelişmiş bir ürün koyacak. Yani teknolojik bir gelişme var. Tüketiclerde yararlanacak. But  ECJ said yes there is an efficiency gain for market and fair share for the consumers but is that indispensable (proportionate) agreement. Because they were prohibiting parallel importation so it is not proportionate. This agreement is not necessary to come this efficiency gain.

And also the agreement affects certain amount of competition but the agreement shouldn’t totally eliminate (effect) the competition in the market. (Abolish competition from the market)

Şimdi normalde bir anlaşma veya concerted practice var ve de bu deminimise girmiyor. Yani article 101’ın alanına giren bir şey var. Yani infringement var. Ama 3. fıkra bize şöyle bir şans veriyor. 4 tane kriteri tam olarak karşılarsa o zaman, bu kısıtlamalardan yani ihlalden kurtuluyorlar. Yani bunun sonucu olan cezalardan filan da kurtulmuş oluyorlar kısaca. Ama 4 şartın da birlikte gerçekleşmesi lazım unutmayın.

We discussed individual exemption, now we go on with the block exemption: à After 2003 undertakings does not obliged to notify the commission with the agreement. But this freedom gives undertakings a burden on their shoulder (it is a risky thing). They have to criticize the 4 criteria. à To reduce this risk commissions releases a notification (notice) and as long as the agreements between parties fulfill the certain criteria in the notice then the agreement is exempted. So they will able to escape from the prohibition of article 101.

So we check first article 101, then de minimis, then block exemption, then we go to individual exemption.

What is the block exemption? à There is vertical restraint and horizontal restraint. à For the vertical agreement, if the market share is less then 30% then there is a block exemption. Not the total share is %30; the separate shares shouldn’t be more then 30%. For the exemption regulation says this. But like de minimis we have a black list again. If the agreement is about “fixing price” and “dividing market” then it doesn’t matter that the share is less then %30. They can’t use the block exemption.

For horizontal agreements (between competitors) à if it is specialization agreement(1) and if it is research and development agreement (R and D)(2) and also if the agreement technology transfer agreement(3) à If the agreements is one of the three agreement, then we should check out the market shares of total share of the markets should be %20 for the specialization agreement and technology transfer agreement; and should be %25 for the R and D agreement. à so;
-specialization agreement (20%)
-research and development (R and D) (25%)
-technology transfer agreement (20%)

But if there is fixing price and dividing market then we do not care about the shares again like the vertical block exemption.

17 Nisan 2012

Article 102

Any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position within the internal market or in a substantial part of it shall be prohibited as incompatible with the internal market in so far as it may affect trade between Member States. Such as abuse may, in particular consist in:

Article 101 TFEU: agreements between two or more undertakings

Article 102 TFEU: behaviorof one or more undertakings

Compenents of Article 102:              1. Undertaking
                                                           2. Dominant position
                                                           3. Abuse of that position
                                                           4. Abuse affects trade between MSs.

1. Undertaking

*Same definition as ‘undertaking’ under article 101 TFEU. Covers also more than one undertaking within the same corporate or economic group when cooperation between parent companies and their subsidiaries is very close (Continental Case, case 6/72)

*Joint dominance

2. Dominance

* A position of economic strength enjoyed by an undertaking which enables it to prevent effective competition being maintained on the relevant market by giving it the power to behave to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors, customers, and ultimately of its consumers’ (United brands, case 27/76).

2. Slayt
Relevant Market
-Relevant product market: is the market for the product(s) that are substantially interchangeable (Hugin Kassaregister, case 22/78)

-Relevant geographical market: Article 102: the undertaking is dominant within the common market ‘or in a substantial part of it’.

Dominance in Fact

-Market share

-Barriers to entry.


Dominance on a market in itself is not punishable under Article 102 TFEU.

Art. 102 gives four examples of abuse that are prohibited, however the list in art. 102 is not exhaustive.

Abuse can be divided in exploitative abuse and anticompetitive abuses.

*Exploitative abuses, imposing oppressive of unfair conditions on trading partners.
-unfair prices
-unfair trading conditions.
-discriminatory treatments.

We are starting 102.  This time we are talking about an undertaking which can be in dominant position. Article 102 prohibits abuse of the dominant position.

Almost all of you made a mistake in exam. In the question of undertaking,

What is dominant position? à We have to see as a undertaking has a power to give its own decision without thinking customers or other competitors. But it doesn’t mean this is monopoly. In monopoly there is only one supplier. Every monopoly has a dominant position. But not every dominant company is monopolistic undertaking. Not every leading company has dominant position. Because in some markets  leading companies are not in the dominant position.

What is the personal scope of 102? à what is undertaking in article 102? à It is same with the article 101. So same things are applicable with 102.

In continental can case à Continental can is owner of euro ambalaj. And a German Can producer. In this case, Euro Ambalaj hollandalı bir can üreticisini almak istiyor. Ama burada Continental Almanya’da %85’e yakın payı var. Hollandadakini alırken de euro ambalajın payı da %45’e yakın olyor. Böyle olunca genel payı çok yüksek oluyor continental’ın. Dolayısıyla personal scope’da ana şirketin payını da hesaba katmamız gerekiyor.


Hakim pozisyonda mı değil mi diye anlamamız için kesinlikle ilgili market nedir onu belirlememiz gerekiyor. O yüzden çok önemli birazdan anlatılacak olanlar.

What is the relevant market? à Relevant market has two aspects. First, relevant product market and second, relevant geographical market.

SSNIP test à If we increase the price of one product, then if the consumers automatically switch the other product then it is one single market. Like the example of beer and wine market. Yani bakılan şey şu, birinin fiyatı arttırılınca tüketiciler başka bir şeye geçiyorsa o geçilen başka şey de markete dahil ediliyor.

Here we have to see the consumer. But ECJ check something else. Not only consumer but also producer and its supplier. In example of buğday unu vermeyen uncuların karşısında ekmekçinin buğday unu yerine mısır unu almaya başlaması örneği.

United Brands à Çikita muz örneği. Bu  firma bir takım firmalara satmayı reddetti muzu. Dolayısıyla hakim pozisyonda mı değil mi diye bakmamız gerekti. ECJ’de Taze meyve sebze marketi değil de sadece muz sektörü relevant market olmalıdır dedi. Çünkü tadı farklı, işte yumuşak olduğundan bebeler de yiyo. O yüzden diğer meyvelerle aynı market içinde değerlendirilemez diyor. Sadece muz marketi olmalıdır diyor.

Hugin Cashmachine case à Cashmachine spear parts, yazar kasa yedek parçalarını üretiyor. Ama onları sunmaktan kaçınıyor. ECJ’de diyor ki senin reddettiğin şey yazarkasa marketinde değil Hugin’in yazarkasa yedek parçasıdır diyor. Yani çok geniş yorumluyor.

Relevant Geographical Market

Mesela ekmek marketini Istanbul mu diyeceğiz yoksa turkiye mi diyeceğiz. Yani neredeki payına bakacağız.

We have to look at the consumers. Are they willing to buy bread from other places? They do not.  So the market is Istanbul Bread Market not the Turkish Bread Market. Other example is yumurta örneği. Mesela ben yumurta üreticisiyim. Istanbul’da bir kaç süpermarkete yumurta satmıyorum.

If the consumers willing to switch some other places.

However we have to look at content of the product as well. Bread is not easily transported. There is a case called ‘hilty case’. Stapler is easily transported. So consumers can buy staplers from somewhere else. So consumers have more choice to buy from diffirent places. Hilty is only dominant in German market. But not in whole EU market.  ECJ said we should consider stapler’s market as EU market. Therefore refusing the supply does not infringe the article 102.

Cross Elasticity??* à???

İlk başta alakalı ürün marketinde dominant position’da mı diye bakacağız ondan sonra da alakalı coğrafi markette’de dominant position’da mı diye bakacağız. Bunun için de relevant product market’in ne olduğunu sonra da relevant geographical market ne diye bakmamız lazım. Bunun için de SSNIP test’i uyguluyor ECJ. Yani şuna bakıyor, tüketiciler, müşteriler başka bir ürüne ya da başka bir coğrafi alana gidiyorlar mı diye bakmamız lazım. Bundan sonra da company cidden dominant pozisyonda mı diye bakmamız lazımdır.

Dominance in Fact

Greater marketshare is a good indicator for a good dominant position. If the market share is more than %50 then we can say that it is clear that the company is dominant. But company can prove that they don’t have power to behave independently from the competitors, consumers… Then they are not a dominant company. But in general if they have %50+ share then it is dominant company.

For example, in the cheap car market in EU, X company has %55 share. It is clear that it is dominant company. But if X company can prove that I have to take care other competitors (severe competition) or consumers meaning that they cannot behave independently from these things then it can’t be taken account as dominant company. For this we have to look at the other companies marketshares. If the marketshares are quite small, then the X wouldn’t fear from the other competitors. (Yani ilk başta market payına bakacağız ama bu yetmiyor diğer şirketlerin de market payına bakacağız. Eğer %50’den fazla payı varsa kolayca hakim pozisyondadır deriz. Ama o firma bize derse ben tüketicileri ve diğer rakipleri görmezden gelerek hareket edemiyorum. O zaman hakim pozisyonda değiliz diyebiliriz. Bunun için de diğer firmaların oranlarına bakmamız lazım. Mesela 30 pay oranı tehdit olabilecekken herkesin 1-2 orana sahipken sen onları dikkate alıyorum diyemezsin. Yani kendi kafana göre hareket edebilirsin. Dolayısıyla hakim pozisyondasın diyebiliriz.)

Şimdi sadece market share önemli değil. Mesela bir vitamin üreticisi var. Adamın payı %30 civarında. Ama çok kaliteli ürettiği için diğerleri yarışamıyor bununla. O yüzden de diğerlerini önemsemiyor. Yani kısaca hakim poziyonda olma gücünü başka şeylerde verebilirler. İşte birisi quality’dir. Bir başkası ise brand’dir. Bir diğeri ise technology’dir. (google example) Yani bunlar bir aktöre (actor) yeterli gücü verebilirler. After sale services bile bir belirleyici olabilir.

Secondly we have to look at Length of time during which a firm has held its position in the relevant product market. ECJ says that dominant position should be at least 5 years in that dominant position.

Thirdly we have to look at other barriers to entry to market. If there is a high entry barriers, then there is no future competition. Then lower share entities can be in dominant position.

If the answers are yes to this 3 thins then the company is in the dominant position. But article 102 does not prohibit the dominant position (not like US competition law). It prohibits the abuse of the power of the dominant position. So after we decided that the entity is in dominant position then we have to look that undertaking actually abuse its dominant position.

Next week we are going to discuss dominant position.

24 Nisan 2012

Being in a dominant position is not prohibited –unlike us system-. Becoming dominant position is not a bad thing. But what is punishable is the abuse of the dominant position.


Article 102 TFEU: Abuse

- Dominance in itself is not punishable: Michelin(1983): “ a finding that an undertaking has a dominant position is not in itself a recrimination but simply means that, irrespective of the reasons for which it has such  a dominant position, the undertaking concerned has a special responsibility not to allow its conduct to impair genuine undistorted competition on the common market.”

- Abuse is crucial for article 102 TFEU. Definition of abuse: Hoffmann – La roche (1979): “ the concept of abuse is an objective concept relating to the behavior of an undertaking in dominant position… which, by using methods different from those which condition normal competition…, has the effect of hindering the maintenance of the degree of competition still existing in the market.


Explotative and anti-competitive abuse

Exploitative abuse: dominant undertaking uses its position to impose unfair conditions on its trading partners

A.Unfair pricess: price bears no relation to the economic value of the product. Is the price higher than what would have been the case if the market were competitive?

B.Unfair trading conditions:

C.Discrimnatory treatment: undertaking cannot give an objective justification for the difference in treatment of trading partners

D.Refusal to supply

Exploitative abuse

The list provided by the treaty is not exhausted. For both abuses, it is not necessary to get -benefit economical or other – benefit is irrelevant for abuse of dominant position.

World Cup Case à Bir tane şirket var. Bunlar 1998 dünya kupasının biletlerini dağıtıyorlar. Sonra diyorlar ki sadece Fransa da posta kutusu bulunanlara bu biletleri vereceğiz diyor. İşte sonra bu abuse of dominant position olur mu diyorlar. ECJ ilk başta personal scope’a bakıyor. Ve bu personal scope’taki undertaking’dir diyor. Ama sonra diyor ki, bun naısl bir market diyor. Yani spor bileti mi, futbol bileti mi yoksa dünya kupası bileti mi diyor. Yani relevant market’e bakıyor. İlk başta futbol tüm diğer sporlardan farklıdır diyorlar. Sonra da dünya kupası kıyaslanmayacak kadar farklıdır futbolun diğer yarışmalarından diyorlar. Yani relevant market dünya kupasıdır dolayısıyla da bu şirket dominant position’dadır diyorlar. ECJ then decided on the geographical relevant market. Sonra diyorlar ki biz hiç benefit almadık diyor bu kuraldan. ECJ’de de diyor ki, getting benefit is not important to. The important thing is abuse of the dominant position.

So we learned two important things. First of all not only competitors use the article 102 for protection, but also customers and trading partners article 102. Secondly getting profit or benefit is not important.

Unfair Prices

If the price does not have any relation with its economic value then it is an unfair price. But it is really hard to define the actual economic value such products. Like books, Ferrari. United Brand Case, UB increase the prices of very high. UB is in a dominant position. Normal muz fiyatlarına göre çok yüksek fiyatları var diyorlar. Ama UB diyor ki biz muz üretiyoruz ama normal muz değil çikita muz diyor. O yüzden fiyat yüksek olabilir diyor. Kalite farkı var diyor. Yani fiyat farkı olması normal diyor. Burada dominant position var ama abuse yoktur.

2. Saat

Exploitative abuses are against trading partners, anti-competitive abuse is against competition. That is the why ECJ make a distinction. In general exploitative abuse is about vertical relations, anti-competitive abuse is about horizontal.

Unfair Trading Condition

United Brand is again says that distributors have to have some ripening facilities to make green bananas to yellow ones. Because they said we need to send the bananas in yellow.  But ECJ said it is not necessary to sell the product. Because supermarkets or consumers can make this process with putting the bananas under the sun for a few hours. So it is not necessary to sell your goods. So you cannot put this kind of conditions. But even they have ripining facilities, to asking as a condition is abuse of dominant position.

Discriminatory Treatment

UB sells bananas to different EU countries but in different prices. EU asked the UB why they are doing so? And they said some countries have poor people so we charge less but some have rich ones so we charge more. It is not a valid argument. Because in similar transactions you cannot discriminate the buyers.

Refusal to supply

If you are in a dominant position, then you don’t have the luxury to refuse the supply.

Commercial Solvent Case à CSC produces X and Y which are row materials for Z. and Z is used for the cure for tuberculoses. CSC produces X and Y. we have another company ICI (middle man) that buys X and Y and sell to the producers of Z producers called ZOJA. %51 of ICI is belong to CSC. Then ICI wanted to buy ZOJA. But something goes wrong and ZOJA refuses the agreement. Then ICI decided not to sell X and Y to ZOJA. ZOJA tried to buy X and Y from different companies. But because CSC and ICI said other actors of markets not to sell X and Y to ZOJA. ECJ asked why you are doing this? And they said we will produce Z as well and row materials are only enough for us. ECJ said we are not facing only exploitative abuse but also anti-competitive abuse. By using their dominance they want to be dominant in another market as well. So it is pushing out the market actors. Then it is a huge abuse.

Refusal to supply is very important for EU law.

08 May 2012

Explotative abuse happens between trading partners. Dominant undertaking and the downstreet market (so vertical relations)Unfair prices, unfair trading conditions, discriminatory treatment, refusal to supply.

We are going to cover anti-competitive abuse. Between dominant undertaking and its competitors.

Anti-Competitive abuse: undertaking or eliminating competitiors to increase its own dominance

A. Tying: An undertaking

·         Supplies a product (the tying product) on condition that the customer obtains something else (the tied product) from the supplier as well [Microsoft]
·         or provides them cheaper if he does [Hoffman La roche];
·         or the undertaking only supplies the two things together
·         or ensures that the two things only work properly together  and do not work at all or as well with competitors’ product.

B. Predatory pricing: it is the practice whereby an undertaking prices its product so low that competitors cannot live with the price and are driven from the market. Once the competitors are excluded from the market the undertaking hopes to increase prices to monopoly levels and recoup its losses.

  • It is anticompetitive because it means low prices in the short term, but the effects are to strengthen the power of the dominant undertaking to the prejudice of consumers.
  • This strategy is possible only if there is serious barriers to entry

The AKZO test (1991) Prices below average variable cost (AVC) must be regarded as abusive, because there is no profit-maximizing reason for them. The only explanation is that they are intended to eliminate competitors.

C. Refusal to supply

Tying in is kind of forcing the customers to buy the second product with the main product. Microsoft case buying windows with media player.

Hoffman La roche is the dominat in the vitamin market. Undertaking says to the pharmacies that if they buy other products they will get discount. So there is a special clause that includes discount. The another issue is this contract includes English Clause (if you see that my competitors can provide same product cheaper then I do, then you have to let me know to drop my prices as well). Even this is very beneficial for the consumers, Hoffman has a chance to know whole market strategy and they will be able to kick out the other competitors from the market.

Tying in’le ilgili bir soru gelebilir. Eğer firma baskın pozisyondaysa sattığı ana ürünün yanına yan ürünler eklemesi rekabete aykırıdır çünkü o diğer ürünleri başka firmaların satmasını engelliyor.

Predatory prices (yıkıcı fiyatlandırma) à Dominant firms are able to live longer than other firms with selling products under cost prices. The dominant firm should prove (burden of proof is on the dominant firm) their main intention is not kicking out from the market. Otherwise they will be infringing the

Akzo case à ECS is a british company, akzo is dutch company. They are competitors. They are both producers. They both produce peroxide and this used in flower and plastics. Akzo is producing flower and plastics as well but unlike akzo is only producing peroxide. Akzo sonradan kendi ürettiği peroxide ile flower and plastics üretmeye başlıyor. Sonra bakıyor ki ECS kendi tüketicilerini çalıyor. Bunun üzerine gidip ECS ile konuşuyor diyor ki plastic market’ten çekil. Onlar da yok yaa avcumu yala diyorlar. Karşı taraf da görürsün olm sen bittin deyip çekip gidiyorlar. AKZO büyük bir şirket. BUnlar da fiyatları çılgın gibi düşürüyorlar. SOnra ECS işte comission’a gidiyor, commission da ECJ’e gönderiyor. Sonra ECJ bunların fiyatı düşürmesinin sebebi neydi diye bakıyorlar. Konuşmadan anlıyorlar ki bu normal bir fiyat düşürme değil, ECS’I marketten silmek için yapılan bir fiyat düşürme. Yani Predatory pricing yapıyorlar.

Refusal to supply à We discussed this in the exploitative abuse but this can also be anti-competitive abuse. We see again CSC case à addition to what we discussed earlier; CSC decided to produce product Z for themselves. So CSC becomes competitors to ZOJA. So this is also anti competitive abuse addition to exploitative abuse.

2. Saat


·         The doctrine concerns undertaking which own or control a facility that is necessary to carry out a particular type of business, but which could not particularly be reproduced by a competing entity or a potential competitor.
·         The commission notice on access agreements in the telecommunication sector ([1988] OJ C265/3);

a facility or infrastructure which is essential for reaching costumers and/or for enabling a competitor to carry on business, and which cannot be replicated by any reasonable means.”

Factors are required for a refusal of access to constitute an abuse
·         Refusal likely to eliminate all competition in the downstream market from the person requiring access
·         Refusal incapable of objective justification
·         Access must be indispensable for the other person for carrying on its business
·         No actual or potential substitute for it

Rodby  Havn Caseà A port in Denmark owned by government. Without using this port it is impossible to make transport to Germany. Government makes the transportation only itself. Another company wants to make transportation as well. Government does not allow using the port. Creating another port is impossible. [Şimdi devletin kendi feribot firması almanyaya transportation’I yapıyor. Başka iki firma gelip diyor ki biz de deniz taşımacılığı yapacağız. Hükümet de bizim var zaten firmamız bu portu kullanamazsınız. Bu altyapıyı kullanmadan diğer firmalar bu taşımacılığı yapamazlar. Kendi port’larını da yapamazlar. Ayrıca senin bunları reddetmende objective criteria’an var mı? diyor. Ve bunların böyle olmasından dolayı sen reddedemezsin diyor devlete. Bu altyapı sahibinin devlet olması zorunlu değildir ama altyapının genelde devletçe karşılanmasından dolayı bunu devletler yapar ama zorunlu değildir unutmayın.]

If the facility is essential then the facility have to open its facilities to competitors

Bronner case à A newspaper in Austria. And mediaprint is newspaper market. Mediaprint make a perfect distribution system. Bronner asked to access same system. But Mediaprint said we have another newspaper company so we refuse to give this facility. ECJ said. This system is not only way to distribution. And this refusal is not anti-competitive. You can create your system. It cost some money but it is not like airport because you can create yourself a new system. And you can still sell your newspapers in kiosks.

Examples for essential facilities:

Activities which are usually non-competitive
Activities which are potentially competitive (down stream markets)
Track and signaling infrastructure;
Operating of trains, maintenance facilities
High-voltage transmission of electricity, Local electricity distribution
Electricity generation, Electricity “retailing” or “marketing” activities.
The provision of a ubiquitions network, Local residential telephony in rural areas
Long-distance services, Mobile services
High-pressure transmission of gas, Local gas distribution
Gas production, Gas storage.

Gas “retailing” and “marketing” activities
Air services
Airport services such as take-off and landing slots
Aircraft operations, Maintenance facilities, Catering services

Next week we will cover the merger doctrine. Which is kind of merging of companies. Becoming dominant position with own resources is not forbidden but buying/merging is kind of different. Article 102 is about abuse of dominant position. We will see next week.

15 May 2012

Bugünkü konumuz birleşmeler ve devralmalar. Madde 101’I tartıştık. Neydi? à İki yada daha fazla kişinin rekabete  etkileyici davranışlarıdır. 102 ise hakim durumdaki teşebbüslerin rekabete etkileyen davranışlarıdır. Hâkim durumunu kötüye kullanırsa 102’nin alanına giriyor.

Bugünkü konumuz ise konsantrasyonların denetlenmesidir. Yani birleşme veya devralmaların denetlenmesi. Özellikle horizontal olanlar çok önemli. Sıkıntı şudur: acaba böyle bir güç birleşimi rekabeti nasıl etkileyecek. Çünkü rakipler birleşiyor. Yani rekabet azalıyor. Özellikle oligopolistic pazarlarda çok önemlidir bunlarda. Tekel durumuna gelme riski vardır. Yani birleşme veya devralmalar da 101, 102 kadar önemlidir. Ama bunları denetleyecek kanun maddesi yoktur. 101, 102 zarar verici eylem ortaya çıktıktan sonra uygulanan eylemlerdir. Ama biz şunu yapalım dediler. Acaba iki şirket birleşecekse yani zarar verici eylem meydana gelmeden once biz buna müdahale edelim diyorlar. 1989’da avrupa komisyonu bir regulasyon çıkardı. Bunu 2004’te değiştirdi. Bunun amacı bir şirket birleşecek ya da devralınacaksa, bu rekabeti etkileyecek mi etkilemeyecek mi diye komisyona bildir diyor. Böylece ben de seni denetleyim diyor. Dolayısıyla bbizim tartışacağımız konu konsantrasyon nedir? Ve de regulasyonun bu konsantrasyonlara karşı aldığı önlemler nelerdir?

Birleşmelerin olumlu bir yanı da var. Mesela küçük firmaların etkinliği, sermaye, know-howlar artacak. Global düzeyde rekabet edebilecek firmalar haline gelecektir. İkinci bir durumsa, eğer birleşme ve devralma tamamen yasaklansaydı hiç bir firma kurulmak istemeyecekti çünkü kurulurken çekilmek istersem ben bu firmayı ne yapacaktım diyecektir. Ayrıca iflas durumundaki yani batık durumdaki firmalar kendini kapatmak zorunda kalacaktı, dolayısıyla bu da insanları işsiz kalmasına sağlayacaktır. Yani bu yüzden tamamen engellenmiyor berileşme ve devralmalar. Bu yüzden rekabet otoriteleri doğru dengeyi bulması gerekiyor.

Birleşme ve devralma nedir? Genel adı konsantrasyonlar. Bunun için iki şeye bakmak lazımdır. Biri konsantrasyon var mıdır? Ayrıca avrupa birliği diemantion’I var mıdır diye bakmamamız lazım. Bu iki şeye bakacaksınız.

Merger yani birleşme nedir? à İki veya daha fazla firmanın bir araya gelerek başka bir şirket oluşturmasıdır. A B C firması bir araya geliyor ve D firmasını kuruyorlar. Bu tipik bir birleşmedir. (şirket evlilikleri.)

Konsantrasyonda başka bir şey ise, acquisition yani satın alma: A firması B ve C firmasını satın alıyor. Burada önemli olan şudur: Acaba şirketin tamamı mı yoska bir kısmını alma da konsantrasyon olur mu? à Komisyonun cevabı şudur: B ve C teşebbüsleri kontrolü tamamen A teşebbüsüne bıraktı mı bıraktı mı diye bakmak lazımdır. MEsela %51 hissesini aldı. O zaman olur. Peki %49? à Küçük hissedarlar karşısında duramayacağından

Bir de joint venture var. A firması B firması ile bir araya gelip C firmasının kontrolünü ele alıyor. Bunun diğerlerinden farkı ise şudur. A ve B firmaları tek başına control edembiyorlar C’yi bunların C yi control etmesi için birlikte olması gerekiyor.

Bu üç durumdan biri gerçekleştiyse konsantrasyon var diyebiliriz. Yani bu material scope varsa concantrasyon vardır diyebiliriz.

Bir de eu dimention diye bir şey var. Yani regulasyonun içinde treshhold dediğimiz sınırlar var. Bu sınırlar gerçekleşince komisyondan izin almak zorundadır. Eğer bu sınırlar sağlanmamışsa komisyonun söz sahibi olması imkansızdır.  Bu durumda artık yerel otoritelerin kontrolü ele alması vardır.

Burada bakmamız gereken Pazar payı vardır. Yani yıllık cirolarıyla ilgili bir takım kriterler var. İlk kriter şudur; iki tarz kriter var. Ordan önceki kısım sağlanırsa onay vermeye komisyon yetkilidir demektir. Söz konusu birleşmeden sonra söz konusu firmaların dünya çapındaki ciroları toplam 5 milyar euro’nun üzreinde mi değil midir buna bakmamız lazımdır. Eğer fazlaysa bunlardan en az ikisinin EU çapındaki ciroları 250 milon EURO’nun üzerinde mi değil mi diye bakmamız gerekiyor. Yani dünya çapında hepsinin 5 milyar euro mu, sonra da organizasyonu kuran teşebbüslerin en az ikisinin toplam cirosu 250 milyon euro’yu geçiyor mu geçmiyor mu diye bakıyoruz. Bu kriterler olmazsa artık yerel otoriteler yetkilidir. Ama bu threshold lar aşılırsa artık avrupa komisyonu yetkilidir bu consantrasyonlarda.

İkinci kirter var bir de. Yani birinci kriterler olmazsa ikinci kriter şuna bak diyor (ordan sonraki kısım) Yine böyle bir birleşmede bu yeni firmanın toplam cirosu 2.5 milyarın üstünde midir değil midir diyor? Ondan sonra da söz konusu birleşmeye sebep vermin şirketlerin en az ikisinin avrupa birliği içindeki toplam ciroları 100 milyon euro’nun üzerinde mi değil mi diyor. Bir de üçüncü kritere bak diyor.  O da şu: acaba 3 tane avrupa birliği ülkesinden mi geliyor bu şirketlerin 100 milyon eurosu. Bu adamların cirolarının 100 milyonluk kısmı 3 tane aynı avrupa birliği üyesi devletten gelmesi gerekiyor. Mesela D E F birleşip Y’Yi oluşturuyor. D’nin 150 bin E’nin 120 bin F’nin 80 bin euroluk geliri avrupadan. Şimdi bunların toplam 100 milyonu aynı üye 3 ülkeden gelecek. Eğer bu kriterler varsa ilk kriter olmasa bile yine komisyon yetkilidir rekabet otoritesi olarak.

Diğelim ki bu kriterlerin hepsi sağlandı. Bir de istisnamız var. O da son paragraftan geliyor. Şimdi A(350) B(300) ve C (200) firmalarının dünya çapındaki toplam cirosu 6 milyar € geliri var. İkinci kriter olarak 250 milyar €’yu da geçiyor. Yani en az ikisinin toplamı 250 milyon €’u geçiyor. Ama istisisna şunu söylüyor eğer söz konusu teşebbüsler avrupadaki toplam cirosunun 2/3’ünü tek bir devletten mi geliyor diye bakmamız gerekiyor. Eğer 3’ününde yani A’nın ki 240 B’nin ki 200 C’nin 140’I almanya’dan geliyorsa Artık regulasyon uygulanmıyor. Çünkü diyor ki o zaman artık git almanya rekabet otoritesi baksın sana ben komisyon değil diyor.

Söz konusu kriterler açıldığı zaman  otomatikman komisyonun kapsamında değildir. Söz konusu bariyer aşıldığında otomatikman yasak kapsamında değildir. Bariyeri aşınca karar verecek otorite komisyondur. O zaman komisyon izin mi verecek yoksa yasak mı koyacak buna karar verecektir. KOmisyon böyle bir birleşme veya devralma rekabet üzreinde olumsuz bir etki oluştaracak mı oluşturmayacak mı bakmamız gerekiyor.

Bir konsantrasyonun yasaklanması için hâkim duruma gelen firma rekabeti azaltacak mı azaltmayacak mı bakmamız lazımdır. 102’de ne dedik? à Hâkim duruma gelmek yasak değildir ama bunu sadece kendi imkânlarıyla yapması lazımdır. Ama hâkim durumun kötüye kullanılması yasaktır. Burada iki görüş var: Şimdi bir görüş diyor ki kendi olanaklarıyla (yılmaz aslant) geliyorsa yasak kapsamında değildir ama birleşerek devralarak oluyorsa tartışılmadan yasak kapsamına alınmalıdır. Ama diğer görüş diyor ki, hayır madde 102’deki gibi (Pelin Güven) hakim duruma gelmek önemli bir kriterdir ama tek başına yeterli değildir ahkim durumun ileriye dönük olarak kötüye kullanılabilir mi kullanılamaz mı diye bakıp ondan sonra yasak kapsamına sokmak gerekir diyor. Komisyon da Pelin Güven’in görüşünde.

Bunu yaparken komisyonun yaptığı şey; bir testi uygulyor. Birincisi pazarın durumuna bakmak gerekiyor. Rekabetçi bir Pazar mı yoksa oligopolistic bir Pazar mı diye bakıyor. Çünkü az sayıda teşebbüs varsa bunları nbirleşmesi de pazarı etkileyecektir. İkinci olarak bu birleşme sonucunda elde edilen Pazar payı nedir diye bakmak gerekiyor. Yani mesela %50 ‘den falza değil de %90’I filan diyor. Yani pazarın yapısı ve sonra diğer aktörlerin yapısına baker. Bunlar çok spesifik kriterler değil, her olayda bakılması gerekiyor. Birleşme ve devralmada komisyonun yapması gereken şudur; acaba birleşme ve devralmada bunlar rekabeti etkiliyor mu.

Sadece madde 101 ve 102 rekabeti sağlamak konusunda yeterli değil. Ayrıca birleşme ve devralma rekabeti etkiliyor mu diye bakıyoruz. Ama 101 ve 102 zarar meydana çıktıktan sonra (exposs) uygulanıyor. Ama merger doctrine böyle değil çünkü birleşme ve devralma bildirilecek ve bizim buna iznimiz olup olmamasına göre birleşme ve devralma olacak diyor. KOmisyon da burada cidden konsantrasyon var mı diye bakacak. Ondan sonra kendi mi yetkili yoksa yerel otoriteler mi yetkili diye bakacak. Bunun için de geçen ders ki thresholdslara bakacaktır. Ondan sonra da bu birleşme ve devralma sonrasında meydana gelen yeni şirketler rakiplerinden, tüketicilerden bağımsız olarak karar verebiliyorlar mı? Bu olmadna once de gerekli önlemleri almaya çalışıyor bu regulation.

Slayt 1
Merger Regulation 139/2004

Art. 101 TFEU: Anti-competitive behavior of more than two undertakings

Art. 102 TFEU: Anti-competitive behavior of one dominant undertaking

Merger Regulation: checking the planned merger before a dominant undertaking that might harm competition comes into existence.

Scope of MR:

1. Concentration

According to Article 3 (1) and (4) of the Merger regulation concentration is deemd to arise where a change of control on a lasting basis results

- from the merger of two or more previously independent undertakings


-the acquisition by one or more undertakings, whether by purchase of securities of assets, by contract or by any other means, or direct of indirect control of the whole or parts of one or more undertakings


- the creation of a joint venture performing on a lasting basis all the functions of an autonomous economic entity.

The decisive factor is the criterion of gaining control of one or more undertakings which is defined in Article 3 (2) of the Merger Regulation as the possibility o exercising decisive influence on an undertaking.

Slayt 2

2. Turnover Thresholds

A merger has an EU dimension if the following turnover criteria are met (article 1 (2) and 1 (3) of the merger regulation):

-The combined worldwide turnover of all the undertakings concerned is more than € 5 billion

- the aggregate EU wide turnover of each of at least two of the undertakings concerned is more than € 250 million


- the combined aggregate worldwide turnover of all the undertakings concerned is more than € 2.5 billion

- the aggregate EU wide turnover of each of at least two of the undertakings concerned is more than € 100 million,

-in each of the at least three Member States, the combined aggregate turnover of all the undertakings concerned is more than € 100 million

Provisio (article 1 (2) and (3), end of last sentences, of the merger regulation):

Where each of the companies concerned achieves more than two-thirds of its EU-wide turnover (not its aggregate worldwide turnover!) within one and the same Member State, the Commission has no competence even if the thresholds indicated above are exceeded. This proviso is meant to ensure that mergers which have effects mainly within one Member State remain within the competence of the national competition authority.

Slayt 3

Test for assessment of mergers: Art. 2
·         ‘ A concentration which would significantly impede effective competition,  in the common market or in a substantial part of it, in particular by the creation or strengthening of a dominant position, shall be declared incompatible with the comman market.’

The commission takes into account:
·         (a) the need to maintain and develop effective competition within the common market in view of:
·         the structure of all the markets concerned
·         (b) the market position of the undertakings concerned and their economic and financial power, (market share)
·         thee alternatives available to suppliers and users,
·         their access to supplies or markets
·         any legal or other barriers to entry,
·         supply and demand trends for the relevant goods and services,
·         the interests of the intermediate and ultimate consumers, and
·         the development of technical and economic progress provided that it is to consumers’ advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition.

Finalde ağırlık son konulardadır ama vize öncesi de dahildir. Yine aynı mantık olacak küçük süpriz sorular.

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